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Ágnes Orsolya Kiss

ERTRAC Hungary Secretariat

1119 Budapest, Thán Károly u. 3-5.
Tel: (+36 1) 371-5884


ERTRAC-Hungary’s mission is to determine in collaboration with the interested role-players of the road transport sector the midterm and the perspective vision of the road transport, as well as the way leading to it (research and development strategy), all this for the government, the competitive sector and for research and innovation.

The main task of ERTRAC (European Road Research Advisory Council www.ertrac.org ), established in 2004, is to create the European future frame of the road transport, and to determine the research-development-innovation tasks needed for the implementation of the „greener-smarter-safer” road transport.

ERTRAC-Hungary has been established as a result of the collaboration of 19 funding members and supported by the National Technology Platforms 2007 tendering announced by the National Office of Research and Technology.

ERTRAC-Hungary intends to function as the national platform of the EU level European Road Research Advisory Council, along the strategic trends of, and harmonised with the functional mechanism of this organisation, but keeping Hungary’s road transport characteristics also in mind.

Taking into consideration the increased demand of the society and economy for the private and public forms of road transport, to find sustainable solutions in the following priority fields:

● Energy, environment
● Safety, security
● Mobility, transport
● Automotive engineering
● Infrastructure planning, -construction
● Intelligent transport systems
● Financing, pricing

Our efforts include:

● Priorities defined by role-players involved.
● Development of national research agenda.
● Progress monitoring and, as necessary the amendment and modification of the research map.
● Providing platform for research co-operations in progress.
● Drafting recommendations for the involved role players of different areas.
● Exploration of international co-operation demands.

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